
IMG_5757My name is Rachel C. Bemis. I’m artist, illustrator and designer.

Artist Statement

Spirituality has played an enormous role in my artwork. I have been inspired and influenced by many religions and spiritual paths, as I have explored many myself. Over the last ten years or so, I can look back at my work and see my spiritual path through my work. My road has been windy and interesting. I enjoy investigating spiritual principles through visual media. My paintings Surrender, Tendrils and Interconnectedness are direct results of my spiritual pursuits.
Indian mandalas have been the single largest influence on my art over the years. I love the vibrant colors, symbolism and symmetry within them. When I first started painting them I used watercolor and ink but, about a year ago I began to us Photoshop. I had a dream of a process and when I woke up I began using this process to create these beautiful designs. In September of 2015, I felt like it was important for me to document the process of making the mandalas. The video itself is an artwork in its own right.
Primarily I work in oil and digital media have also used acrylic and watercolor/ink. The digital medium allows me to do things that would be difficult to do otherwise and it lets me explore different styles and creative elements quickly. No matter what materials I chose. I enjoy the use of digital textures and there are many resources available. In the digital realm, I am able to focus on visual outcome without boundaries, and I am able to loosely translate what I compose on the computer into oil paintings. At the core though I am a painter and digital illustrator.
Another influence on my walk has been Mary Grand Pre, the illustrator for the Harry Potter book series. I love her stylized characters, use of color and dynamic lighting. I still go back to her work when I need a creative boost.
It is my wish for the viewers of my art to have transcendental experiences, taking them out of time and space and connecting them with what is essential. I am a conduit for the creative energy that runs through me. The art I make is not just mine, but it connects to something vastly larger than myself. My training and skills make me capable of allowing powerful, creative energy to work through me. I look forward to seeing what I create over the coming months and years. My artwork is like a story unfolding.