Thoughts, Uncategorized

Blank Pages, Insecurities and a Pep Talk

Dear Reader,
Call it a dream, but I’ve always wanted to write. I never really knew what to write, but blogging seems like the perfect platform. If I wanted to, I could fill up posts with pictures of my cats, my art, family, and other things that peak my interest. I have many ideas for pots, books and even online classes, but I find myself staring at a relatively blank page wondering where to start. It’s a little overwhelming to stare at that blank screen. I am quite familiar with this feeling, it’s no different than looking at a blank canvas. All I need need to do is start making marks and something interesting will emerge.

I’ve wanted to write for a long time, but I put it aside for a variety of reasons. And every now and then I get the courage to start typing or writing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come up with great stories only to see them float away, moving onto someone else. My problem is that I never really embrace them or see those ideas to completion. It’s sad really and I wonder if I’m just a wanna-be writer. The desire to write doesn’t go away. It keeps eating at me until I do something about it.

I’m petrified, of being rejected or saying something stupid. However, it’s time to say the hell with those old insecurities. They have haunted me for far too long. The writer is there, it never left and not doing this, will haunt me just as persistently as those insecurities. After much thought I realized that I’d like to talk about my opinions, things that I learned and discovered, and things that truly interests me. There is an audience out. After all, people spend hours looking at cute cats online. So maybe this blog thing has a chance.

Until next time.

Much Love,
Rachel B.

P.S. By the way, I may be one of those people that like watching cute cat videos.

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